Bird flu or Avian Influenza is a contagious disease of birds ranging from mild to severe form of illness.
The outbreaks affecting some Asian countries caused by influenza A/H5N1 virus may also cause severe infection in humans.
Bird Flu is transmitted to humans through inhalation or contamination with infected discharges or feces of sick chicken.
Signs and Symptoms
Body weakness or muscle pain
Sore throat
Sore eyes and/or diarrhea
In severe cases, difficulty of breathing in a week’s time from onset
Treatment of Bird Flu in humans is the same as the treatment for other influenza viruses. Antiviral drugs like Oseltamivir halt the progress of the illness if given within the first two days from the onset of fever.
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling live and dressed chicken.
Cook chicken thoroughly.
Do not put live chicken, ducks, and pigs together in one cage or pen area.
Do not catch, get near or keep in captivity wild birds.
Do not handle sick or dead birds with bare hands. Use facial masks, goggles, and gloves or plastic material for the hands.
Report to the nearest agricultural or veterinary office any unusual death or illness of chicken and other birds.
Report to the nearest local health centers any case of respiratory illness with history of exposure to sick chickens and other birds.
Source: Department of Health
It helps to do a little research first before you visit the doctor. At least you can have good questions and treatments to ask about. Wikipedia and Medical Dictionary had good info. Take notes and bring them in.
dok,what are the treatment/medications available in the phil. for fighting cocks that been hit by avian flu
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