Saturday, March 29, 2008


............testing 123
im here to write mostly on medical stuffs,patients cases and answer questions the best way i can, it about problems in respiratory, urinary , sexually transmitted diseases, erectile dysfunction, gastrointestinal and a lot more.
ill try to make it very informal and at the same time informative.
you can post your inquiries about your medical problems and ill try to help you .
bye for now


FC said...

Hi doc! I think that the concept of your blog is really a good idea. Do you accept questions from readers? Sort of like a free "initial" consultation or something, medical advices for those who are too shy to go to the doctor sometimes or something. Because I believe that a lot of people are looking into the net first and do research about their medical concerns before actually going to the doctor for physical check-up. You might want to ask them to mail you their personal questions and post your answer into your blog.

With that being said, I want to be the first cyber-patient if you don't mind. And if you don't mind being a psychologist to me for a while.

I am a licensed CPA aged 22. I'm so confused because right now, I want to change careers - drastically. I don't know if you've ever heard of a CPA - doctor, but I want to be that person. Well, I'd probably stop my CPA career, but I do want to go to med school and be a doctor. Any advice on this one? Thank you very much!

WazzupDoc said...

Flair Candy,
Hi and thanks for the comment.Sorry for the long delayed reply...the concept was originally something like that,but i also realized that some may forego consultations that would probably do more harm than good. My intention is to help and to inform the best way i can.
I don,t know if my opinion can still help you right now, yes, there is such a thing as cpa-md as well as there are lawyer-mds,being a physician is a rewarding career much like being a cpa, but one thing i always say is be a doctor for the right reasons.